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Age : 24
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PostSubject: Teron   Teron Icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2019 11:51 am

Player ID: RidleyTheBeast


Character name: F-08 "Teron"
Race: Android
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9
Weight: 160 Lbs
Appearance: Android with a humanoid appearance, with snowy white hair, and piercing red eyes. Usually seen in a black suit.
Personality: Cold and calculating, always keeping no expression on his face.
Strengths: Stealth, Hand to Hand Combat, Precise Gunner Skills.
Weaknesses: Electric Blasts, Large numbers of enemies, Explosives.
Likes/Dislikes: N/A
Known Languages: Galactic Basic


Faction/Organization: Space Pirates
Alignment: Evil


Other: Cybernetic eyes which can scan his surroundings, detect foes, analyze objects Etc. His suit is built with stealth functions such as cloak.
Equipment: Silenced Pulse Pistol, Plasma Assault Rifle.


Character History: A cold Android built by Space Pirates, 'Teron' as he was known, was made for purposes of infiltration and Covert Ops. His goals range from Assassination, Sabotage, Espionage Etc. Teron occasionally goes against programming and has sentient thoughts, sometimes pondering what he really means to the galaxy, his thoughts are against his programming, and he has almost lashed out and betrayed his creators. Nonetheless, Teron is still with Space Pirates and continues leading Covert Ops.

-Battle suit-
Suit Name: Chameleon
Suit Type: Stealth
Weaponry: None
Shielding: Cloak, Ballistic Armour.

-Alt Form-
Alt Form Name:

Ship Name: Silent Raven
Ship Type: Gunship
Weapon Systems: Homing Missle, Plasma Blast
Attachments: Communication Jammer, Cloak.
Registered to the Name of: F-08

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Sivus Grahn
Sivus Grahn

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Teron Empty
PostSubject: Re: Teron   Teron Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2019 12:34 am

So, if he was built by the Space Pirates, why does he look like a human? I understand that the idea is that he's built for infiltration, but the Space Pirates DESPISE anything that isn't Space Pirate, and canonically, would never build something in the image of a human, the race that is, quite possibly, their most hated.
Well, perhaps despise is too strong a word, they look down on anything that isn't them as being "inferior", and I can't see them building any kind of oid (technically the correct gender-neutral, since "Droid" is a reference to "AnDRoid" which is Male specific (root word being Andro, meaning male or masculine)) in the image of another race. Possibly a shape-shifter type, but I doubt it. They seem to narcissistic to make any robot that is patterned after something be patterned after something other than them.
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Teron Empty
PostSubject: Re: Teron   Teron Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2019 8:32 am

But that's the thing, nobody would suspect Space Pirates even if Teron was caught in the act of Espionage. He can make a perfect cover up for the Space Pirates.Along with the fact that humans or anything that has the appearance of one is smaller, slimmer, and better suited for stuff like that. Nobody would ever suspect them if they caught a human in the act, it may even lead authorities to go after other criminal groups that would be more suspected. But thank you for pointing out those facts.
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Sivus Grahn
Sivus Grahn

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Age : 26
Location : the E.S.S Niflheim, conducting experiments on...Volunteers

Teron Empty
PostSubject: Re: Teron   Teron Icon_minitimeFri Jan 18, 2019 9:35 pm

That uh...That brings up another couple points (I'll probably lose one in the process of giving the other, so bear with me and my half dead brain [not literally]). The Space Pirates have NEVER really been known for any kind of subtlety, the closest I can recall to any such thing was in Prime 3 when they assaulted the Valhalla, and that happened while, and only because, they were under the command of Dark Samus. I can't really see them doing something like this. Also, they're much less of a criminal organization, and far more a galactic power really.
Point number 2: I imagine it would be much simpler, and FAR more efficient, to build a small robot not patterned after ANY sentient race if they wanted an infiltration bot. They've actually done similar in the past, so there is precedent for them building small non-patterned bots, and it would also be FAR less likely to go rogue on them.
Just realized point 3: I cannot remember a single instance which showed the Pirates making any kind of androids/gynoids to speak of.
All that being said, aside from the fact that he's a Space Pirate bot, which brings up all the points and uh...incredulity(?) above, it's not as though the character is badly written or uninteresting. I don't see any balancing issues, it's actually an interesting character concept, and while I do wish his powers and abilities were a bit more clearly defined, I don't really see any problems worth not approving him over.
Character approved, start roleplaying and make every one of my points against him meaningless through being stupidly awesome (If you can, MWAHAHAHA!).
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PostSubject: Re: Teron   Teron Icon_minitime

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