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Zyq'kri'vix Empty
PostSubject: Zyq'kri'vix   Zyq'kri'vix Icon_minitimeMon Oct 04, 2010 7:11 am

Player ID: Cizin
Character name: Zyq'kri'vix
Race: Vik'kri'xik

Appearance: Zyq'kri'vix out of his armorsuit appears as a spindly brown colored stony textured insectoid who rests upon four spider like legs; several teal colored compound eyes of various sizes dot his head, though two of them are larger and more prominent than others. His mandibles are designed much like a praying mantis's, and have razor sharp edges to them. Teal colored lines streak up his back and touch his eyes before streaking back down across his front torso, when aroused these lines glow, with the intensity and color of the glow being linked to his mood. His arms would be more familiar looking to a human, though again they are insectoid and have twice the number of fingers. Two antennae stretch from his head; but these are usually kept low by Zyq'kri'vix when he is not wearing his armorsuit. His armorsuit increases his apparent bulk and humanoidness considerably, it again possesses a stony texture, but has a yellowish hue to it. The headpiece looks much like an eagle's head opened in such a way that it resembles an open-faced hood, but the inside of the hood is obscured by a great maw of darkness. Six sapphire like gems dot the headpiece like eyes; though it is unlikely that he sees through them. Two purple retractable sickle like blades emerge at the fore-arms, and both of these emit a sickly purplish glow, in addition a cloak of purple smoke constantly emits from the back of his armorsuit to further add to his intimidation factor. A retractable pyramid shaped device is often found on his shoulders; like the rest of him it evokes the build style of Meso American cultures, this particular device is a devastatingly powerful laser emitter. He stands at 12 feet tall out of his armor and stands at 18 feet in his armor.

Personality: Zyq'kri'vix is an ancient and patient being who possesses a morbid fascination with death and has a strong scientific and engineering streak. He is especially interested in disease and plagues, and greatly enjoys genetically modifying microbes to create ever deadlier plagues. He finds Combat somewhat thrilling and always takes a scientific approach to it; studying his opponent's moves and abilities. He rarely speaks to anyone, much less to other races who are by and large incapable of understanding or speaking his language. He holds the Chozo, Luminoth, and Alimbics in contempt; seeing their near extinction as proof that his own species is superior. He has very little value for life; feeling no remorse for his campaigns of extermination.

Abilities: Zyq'yrk "Death God" armorsuit, Intelligent, Very physically strong, Possesses very advanced technology on par with the Chozo and even exceeding them in certain areas, Durable, Skilled in combat, Engineering and Scientific genius, Master of fear based tactics, immunity to disease and infection, can crawl up walls and on ceilings like an insect, is unaffected by abnormal gravitational effects and materials that slow down movement, Zyq'vils "Death Scythes", these wrist mounted blades are coated in an extremely virulent strain of microbe that immediately begins to eat at whatever they touch for six damage per second; these Bacteria have a preprogrammed die off period of twenty seconds to prevent them from spreading too far in addition these scythes can disconnect and form a chain like weapon that can reach out with about twice the range of the plasma beam. He can project his diseases into an 10 meter in diameter circle; and anyone touched by this attack can end up spreading this disease to anyone they touch. Zyq'krav "Death Gate" generator, this generates a naked singularity that sucks in all matter within ten meters and subjects them to eighteen points of damage for thirty seconds, has a very long recharge time. Lih'tso "Soul Burner" this projects a column of flame that paralyzes an opponent and sets them on fire dealing 12 damage per second for roughly twenty seconds dealing ten damage per second.

Kri'lax "Light Hammer" particle beam emitter, this shoulder mounted weapon has three modes; an all purpose mode that deals a respectable amount of damage roughly equal to that of the super missile; an anti-personnel mode that fires at a single target for 500 points of damage, or a anti-structure mode that deals an devastating amount of damage to buildings and instantly destroys any destructible materials like Bendezium or Talloric alloy. Zyq'mik "Death's grip" energy drain blast emitter, this device releases a purplish-black shockwave out to ten meters in a spherical pattern; dealing an hundred and fifty energy points worth of damage to everything hit by it and healing Zyq'kri'vik by the same amount, in addition all those affected by this are paralyzed in fear for ten seconds if they were not outright killed. In addition; a weaker version of his scythe bourne disease is constantly emitted from him; causing one energy point's worth of damage per second to everyone within a mile radius of him.

Minions: The Death's Hand Armada, 1,000 Capital Ships, 10,000 escort ships, 10,000,000 Defenders, 10,000,000 Moon defenders, 1,500,000 Elite Death Snakes, 3,000,000 Death Snakes, 25,000 Death Spheres, 12,500 elite death spheres, 200,000 Elite Quetzal fighters, 400,000 Quetzal fighters, 100,000 Elite Huk fighter-bombers, 200,000 Huk Fighter-bombers, 50,000 Eagle Bombers, 25,000 Elite Eagle bombers, 25,000 Storm Disks 12,500 Elite Storm Disks, 25,000 Little Death gunships, 2,500,000 Elite Sun Jaguars, 5,000,000 Sun Jaguars, 2,500,000 Elite Moon Jackals, 5,000,000 Moon jackals, 200,000 sun cannons, 100,000 Elite Sun cannons, 25,000 Sun Idols, 12,500 Greater Sun Idols, 1,250,000 High Priests, 20,000,000 Guardians, 20,000,000 Moon Guardians, 40,000,000 Sentinels, 40,000,000 Moon Sentinels, 100,000 Fane transports, 6,250 Moon Gorillas, 6,250 Cities of Wrath, 5,000,000 burning eyes, 10,000,000 Elite burning eyes.

Intentions: Serve High Dominator Xik'kra'val in everything he does.

Technology: Manipulation of the Four Fundamental Forces, Energy Weapons, Pathogens, Spacetime manipulation, Power Armor, Visors, Manipulation of Quantum Phenomenon, Extremely advanced Robotics, Planet-busters.

Number of players required to fight: 1 or 2.

History: Zyq'kri'vix was born in an time long before the Space Pirates were a threat; A time when his species and the Chozo were at war, a war for domination of the patch of space that would later hold the galactic federation and the space pirates. The two races were roughly equal in technology; and neither could gain an advantage over the other. In the end the two species would sign a treaty that dictated that both species were to remain in their own sectors of space, but this would be advantageous to the Vik'kri'xik, as their greater rate of reproduction allowed their own dominion to flourish while the Chozo steadily withered away.

Zyq'kri'vix did not reach maturity in time to fight in his species' war against the Chozo, but this did little to deter him. Once he had reached the age of fifty he enrolled himself in the Military; where his species made their first contact with the cancerous material Phazon. He fought well; and killed many of the corrupted creatures as the Vik'kri'xik attempted to reclaim the world from the blue poison, but this event would trigger a life long fascination within the young soldier, a fascination with the forces of death and disease.

As the years went on by, Zyq'kri'vix and his people watched as the Chozo started to change into a peace-loving culture as they started to fade away; but still the treaty was honored, the Vik'kri'xik would not make their incursions into what was deemed to be Chozo space until the last of the Avians had died. As time went by; other races began to appear while others died. The Alimbic's once great civilization vanished seemingly overnight; prompting the Vik'kri'xik to send a scouting party lead by the now 17,000 year old Zyq'kri'vix to determine the cause of this extinction; but when they arrived, all they could find were desolated worlds and space stations with vague and cryptic references to some creature named Gorea.

Disheartened, Zyq'kri'vix returned to Vik'kri'xik space with the news and what information he had gathered. But to his surprise; the high lords of the Dominion showed little anger, and gave him audience with High Dominator Xik'kra'val, absolute lord of the Vik'kri'xik. It was at this point that Zyq'kri'vix was introduced to a squadron of four and made their leader, and was informed that once the last Chozo had died; he and this squadron would lead the Vik'kri'xik to a glorious conquest of Chozo space.

But still the Chozo stubbornly lingered, and Zyq'kri'vix would wait countless more years for his time of glory to arrive. He watched with great interest as the dying Chozo species helped to form the galactic federation and watched as the Kriken Empire and the Space Pirates began to make their mark in history. Ten thousand years would pass until the moment he had waited for was finally arriving, the demise of the Chozo. With baited breath he watched as the Tallonian Chozo were purged by Phazon, while the Zebesian Chozo started to succumb to old age.

He watched carefully as the Chozo dubbed Old Bird and a few of his Compatriots visited a world named K-2l, observing a girl named Samus Aran whom the withered old Chozo seemed to take a great deal of interest in. Silently from beyond he observed as the Space dragon named Ridley led a force of Space Pirates to raze the world named K-2l; leaving only the small three year old girl named Samus Aran. He bribed certain Chozo to inform him of the comings and goings of this small girl, and soon learned everything about her; and of the other great project of the Chozo; the Metroids.

Years later as Samus grew older and the Metroids became more prevalent; Zyq'kri'vix was absolutely ecstatic when he learned that most of the Chozo on Zebes had died during the space pirate occupation of that place and began to organize his forces to prepare for the long awaited return of the Vik'kri'xik to Chozo Space. But fourteen years after Samus was indoctrinated into Chozo society; he was informed that the Federation had sent troops to fortify a group of colonies that dwelled in Vik'kri'xik space.

Up till now, the Vik'kri'xik had decided to leave that sector of the Federation in peace; but now that a substantial military presence was around, their dominion had decided to intervene. The Vik'kri'xik smashed through federation space and bombarded the capitol of the sector from orbit, smashing the crust and mantle off the planet; leaving nothing but the core which soon vaporized from the radiant heat. Strangely Zyq'kri'vix allowed a few ships to flee to Federation space, these ships would contain a few million survivors that would warn the federation of the Vik'kri'xik's return to Chozo Space Affairs.

Ship Name: Zyqi'vil "Death's Scythe"
Ship Type: Zyq'yrki'lax "Death god's Hammer" class Ultraheavy Star Titan.
Weapon Systems: Yrk'il'kral "Eye of the Gods" cannons, Kri'lax "Light Hammer" particle beam emitters, Shok'lax "Lightning hammer" lightning emitters, Vril'la anti-fighter cannons, Krak'tal "Sun cannon" solar torpedoe tubes, Shok'gra "Lightning fist" EMP cannons, Xi'Krak'tal "Great sun cannon" super solar torpedoe tubes, Xi'Shok'gra "Great Lightning fist" Super EMP cannons, Xi'kril'ax "Great Light Hammer" super particle beam emitters, Xi'shok'lax "Great Lightning Hammer" super lightning emitters.
Attachments: Deflector shields, Void Shields, Holofields, Hangar bays, Command relays, Hyperdrive.
Registered to the Name of: Name pending until more data can be collected-Galactic federation ministry of information.
Length: 300 miles
Height: 75 miles
Width: 25 miles


Accessing Publicly available Galactic Federation Ministry of Information Database...access granted...
As far as we know the "Zyqi'vil" or "Death's scythe" is a ship of the "Zyq'yrki'lax" or Death God's Hammer class, according to Galactic Federation Naval classifications, the Zyq'yrki'lax class of ships would be in the Ultraheavy Star Titan type of ships on account of it's sheer size. While it is far from the largest ship of all time, as there are a few Vik'kri'xik, Kriken, Galactic federation, or Space Pirate ships that are as big if not bigger, it is notable for being the flagship of Zyq'kri'vix's warfleet. Many old smuggler's and space farer's tales had spoken of enormous warships in the Omega-39 plural XX sector of the universe; but they were typically dismissed as coming from the bottom of a mug of vodka rather than the depths of space. This all changed soon after Galactic Federation Supreme Council mandate 39123519 Alpha-Sigma 9021 which ordered that Galactic Federation Fringe colonies be more heavily defended in the wake of the K-2L fiasco finally affected the Omega-39 plural XX sector. The Zyqi'vil lead a lightning campaign of extermination against the Omega-39 plural XX sector; rapidly rolling back federation forces in that particular galactic cluster.

During the battle for Neo-Britannia; the Zyqi'vil and other smaller ships engaged fifty Olympus Class battleships, ten orbital defense space stations, a hundred Cromwell class cruisers, and their escorts at once and caused 80% casualties to the task force, leaving only the GFSS Olympus, the GFSS Asgard, the GFSS Jian, the GFSS Elysium, the GFSS Empyrean, the GFSS Aauru, the GFSS Mag Mel, the GFSS Folkvangr, the GFSS Jannah, the GFSS Tlalocan and a few dozen escorts and Cromwell class cruisers to limp back to the federation core systems; according to reports and video and image footage of the battle; the Zyqi'vil suffered minimal damage in the battle.

Admiral Castor Dane reported that a massive purplish beam lanced out from the Zyqi'vil's front end and impacted the surface of Neo-britannia; immediately scouring all life from the planet and fragmented the crust, mantle, and outer core of the planet before a massive pulse in the beam blew these fragments apart and heated the inner core to the point that it vaporized into a cloud of plasma which was blown away with the rest of the planet. The fragments of the planet were so violently blown apart that the many moons of the planet, including it's largest New-Ireland which is roughly the size of the Earth; were destroyed in the ensuing bombardment of ejecta.

Studies are currently underway as to the nature of the weapon.

Reports are coming in stating that it is serving as one of the flagships for several enormous armadas that are spearheading an invasion of known space. This may be the Galactic Federation's darkest hour.

Accessing Restricted Federation Bureau of intelligence database...warning this file requires Alpha Plus dash 15 level clearance, unauthorized viewing is punishable by death.

As the author of the more publicly available profile has stated; the Zyqi'vil was the flagship of the Xik'kri'vik armada that wiped out the entire Omega-39 plural XX sector; occupying or destroying 15 entire galaxies worth of planets, space stations, and bases. The Federation bureau of Intelligence has long been aware of some kind of presence in the northwestern fringe of known space and has sent many scouting missions into the area beyond the Omega-39 Plural XX sector. Those missions that did find something of notice all reported a vast and ancient culture that match the description of an organization that once made war with the Chozo in various dusty old hieroglyphics of the bird race.

At first we thought little of this culture now known as The Xik'kri'vik Dominion, or Hok'Xik'kri'vik'tyvar in their own language and assumed that they would continue their twenty seven thousand year long isolation; so we felt no need to inform the Galactic Public of their presence. When the Supreme Council's Mandate to increase security in Federation Fringe colonies finally took effect in the Omega-39 Plural XX sector; only the most paranoid members of the Federation Bureau of Intelligence thought that Hok'Xik'kri'vik'tyvar would have responded in such a violent manner.

Within moments of the arrival of the first wave of troops and ships to the sector, our deep space probes detected a massive Armada of ships moving into formation for a mass hyperspace jump. The Hyperspace ripple of so many large ships entering Hyperspace all at once was absolutely enormous; but before we could inform the Federation military; the Armada arrived at the outer-most military base in the sector and utterly atomized it.

The Xik'kri'vik armada began moving through the galactic sector in an eight pronged three dimensional pincer formation; constantly routing Federation and Omega-39 Plural XX Militia forces. Once the Jaws of the extermination armada shut around the sector; defeat was inevitable as Federation and Militia forces were backed ever further into the corner before the spectacular and absolutely disastrous Battle of Neo-Britannia.

Despite the pessimism of the author of the more publicly available file; we at the Federation Bureau of Intelligence have gained a wealth of information about these ancient enemies of the Chozo and more importantly; their technology. As a matter of fact; the Xik'kri'vik appear to have surpassed the Chozo in several technological areas such as gravity manipulation and pathogenesis.

While there is little we can say about the Zyqi'vil that has not been already stated; we can recommend a course of action. We believe that if we can sacrifice a large amount of ships powerful enough to threaten it but not expensive enough to not be easily replaced in order to keep the ship's defenses preoccupied, that we could sneak in an elite strike team to take out the Bridge commander and commandeer the ship to reverse engineer the technology of the Xik'kri'vik, especially the technology of the Eye of the Gods device.

With such a powerful weapon being mass produced and placed in our disposal, once the Xik'kri'vik are repelled; the federation would be unassailable.

Other Ship name: Til'Zyq "Little death."
Ship type: Yrk'gra "God fist" class Gunship.
Weapon System: Kri'lax "Light Hammer" particle beam emitters, Shok'lax "Lightning hammer" lightning emitters, Tro'vin energy bomb emitters, Krak'tal solar torpedoe tubes, Shok'gra "Lightning fist" EMP cannons
Attachments: Command Relays, Void Shields, Deflector Shields, Holofields, Hyperdrive.
Registered to the name of: Name pending until more data can be collected-Galactic federation ministry of information.

Last edited by Cizin on Mon Oct 11, 2010 4:07 am; edited 6 times in total
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Zyq'kri'vix Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zyq'kri'vix   Zyq'kri'vix Icon_minitimeMon Oct 04, 2010 7:19 am

I have one thing to say about this one. HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! That's a lot of ships in the fleet.
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Zyq'kri'vix Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zyq'kri'vix   Zyq'kri'vix Icon_minitimeMon Oct 04, 2010 7:23 am

Rildok wrote:
I have one thing to say about this one. HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! That's a lot of ships in the fleet.

There are 25,000 Imperial Star Destroyers in star wars by the time of Episode IV; and star wars is limited to one galaxy (The Yuuzhan Vong do not count...they will never, ever, ever count, it's best you forget the Yuuzhan vong ever existed)...not that many since I picture Metroid as being intergalactic in scale.
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Sharpshot 2010

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PostSubject: Re: Zyq'kri'vix   Zyq'kri'vix Icon_minitimeMon Oct 04, 2010 12:10 pm

Zyq'kri'vix 453259 WOW!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Zyq'kri'vix   Zyq'kri'vix Icon_minitimeMon Oct 04, 2010 12:16 pm

Sharpshot 2010 wrote:
Zyq'kri'vix 453259 WOW!!!

Thanks I guess.
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Zyq'kri'vix Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zyq'kri'vix   Zyq'kri'vix Icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 9:19 am

Seems well put, i got full history for the characters from my books in my books, So you'de have to wait for mine a bit but hey this character is cool.
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Zyq'kri'vix Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zyq'kri'vix   Zyq'kri'vix Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 1:39 am

There are 25,000 Imperial Star Destroyers in star wars by the time of Episode IV; and star wars is limited to one galaxy (The Yuuzhan Vong do not count...they will never, ever, ever count, it's best you forget the Yuuzhan vong ever existed)...not that many since I picture Metroid as being intergalactic in scale.


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PostSubject: Re: Zyq'kri'vix   Zyq'kri'vix Icon_minitime

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