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 Espera (V2)

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Sivus Grahn
Sivus Grahn

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Location : the E.S.S Niflheim, conducting experiments on...Volunteers

Espera (V2) Empty
PostSubject: Espera (V2)   Espera (V2) Icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2015 10:59 pm

player ID: christen MX
character name: Espera Nota
race: 85% metroid 15% human.
age: 23 years and 3 month old upon universal reentry via temporal gate, 23 1/2 when requested by the Federation to assist in the investigation of the Orbital station "Zeltzegua" (Such a stupid name to my adult mind), approximately 37 years and nine months at the time of this recording.
height:6 feet 4 inches
weight:480 pounds without armor, 550 with (phazon's heavy, the suit is now less so).
known languages: 21st century American English, metroid, galactic standard, space pirate common(post alliance with pirates, from about 26 onwards)
appearance: Espera has become slightly more muscular, and his hair, which is now always in an Italian style ponytail, is a good three-four feet in length and significantly redder, to the point of being almost a mix between his original sun-kissed brown (what it has been called by others) and blood red. his eyes after phazon infusion have gone from greenish brown to solid metroid nuclei/blood red(meaning the iris and pupil are the same color) with slightly green sclera (often referred to as the white of the eye) with phazon veins running along the eye, his veins also now are permanently blood red, as running through them is a solid phazon the color of blood, the radioactive and mutagenic properties of which are much more powerful than regular or even the highly concentrated orange phazon found within the impact crater by a good 200% or so, this doesn't affect those around him as his body absorbs the radioactive energy and converts it into a more usable form. he also has a nanomachine/energy storage device similar in design to the federation symbol spliced with a crucifix colored phazon blue permanently grafted to his back running down his spine, this device stores all of his equipment in nanobot/energy form, including clothing.
Faction/Organization: Pre Esperian-Empire
alignment: Chaotic Good-Lawful Neutral/Evil (By this point he is fast approaching (If not having already reached) the ruthless businessman/politician who forgoes the common "morals" in favor of his own Code, seeing the Galactic Federation's view of "Right" and "Wrong" as both entirely meaningless (and hypocritical) and something that has never and should never have anything to do with him. He makes his own laws and abides them, but damns all others, but he still shares many of the traits with his younger self, such as a desire to do good [though "good" is something he recognizes as entirely subjective, and he knows that to some, his view of it could be considered "Evil"], and a wish for the benefit and [what he calls the] "Ascension" of all sentient and non-sentient races in the universe. Still striving towards this despite his more "Lawful-Evil"-esque methods and views, he is something of a mix between the two.)
personality: suffers from dissociative-personality-disorder, his primary personality is somewhat obsessive compulsive, usually happy, easily depressed however, and tries to stay away from others when angry, alternatively, he (known as Espera HAZARD/[HAZARD]/[!]) is extremely violent and sadistic, taking pleasure in the pain others feel and finds enjoyment in destruction of whatever is around him. sometime after he is infected by the virus that would become known as Ragnarok, he found that there was a discrepancy in his mental state taking the form of the noted multiple personalities and fixed the problem, following this he regained his severe case of ASPD (Anti-Social-Personality-Disorder, those who have it are known as psychopaths, and are characterized by the inability to feel real emotion, often they perform horrid acts and never regret their actions due to the inability to feel remorse or empathize with their victims), and as such he no longer truly feels emotions, though he does remember how they felt, and emulates them frequently, there is a marked change in both his standard mode of acting and his combat methods.
weaknesses: extreme cold, his inability to control himself around X parasites, and his haunting past.
likes: Samus Aran, X parasites (as a food source), metroids, the luminoth, the chozo, (those last two because they helped Samus at certain points), and his home planet (earth).
dislikes: the cold, rude people, and people who attack him, Samus, or any of his other friends.
Primary Weapons: The Twins, a pair of high-power handguns, obviously modified (albeit, heavily) from Federation standard issue Paralyzer Pistols. The modifications brought their firepower and concentration up to lethal levels, added a high-speed fully automatic firing mechanism, and functionality modules that mimicked the effects of the modern chozo wave-beam, and the powerful chozo plasma beam module (most similar variant present in the first/original timeline on planet SR-388), allowing the weapons to pass harmlessly through non-enemies and pierce very harmfully through enemy after enemy. They have five (known) forms.
*Standard form: The twins, two pistols that fire very rapidly and deal medium level damage at anywhere from short to long range before the shots lose cohesion and dissipate
*Shotgun(Buckshot) form: First combination form, the two guns combine to form a twin short-barreled shotgun. Fires 20 small plasma pellets with full mod functionality. Deals increasing damage based on how close the target is to the gun when fired, manual firing mechanism (about 1-2 shots per second), maximum range of 100-feet before plasma binding cohesion is completely lost and the pellets dissipate into the air.
 *Shotgun(Slug) Form: Second combination form, the two guns combine into a single-barreled short-barrel shotgun with massively compressed shots. Plasma mod's piercing functionality is lost from the previous (and subsequent) forms, as is the Wave mod's phasing ability, and the range is even shittier (only being able to retain cohesion for 20-30 feet), but the damage this thing can do to any enemy that gets within range is just about guaranteed to leave even the most heavily armored enemies a red-mist painting all over their friends and any walls behind them.
*Rifle Form: Third combination form. Massively increases the plasmic cohesion-bonds which keep the shots concentrated and prevent dissipation into the atmosphere. Sacrifices fire-rate in favor of other functions (minimum 10 seconds between shots, manual firing, no reload obviously). Shots are practically invisible, and combine the wave-mod's phase-state function with the Plasma-mod's piercing function in order to induce a state where the projectile can harmlessly pass through certain parts of an enemy while damaging others, that is to say, it can kill someone without leaving any immediate evidence. Projectiles are compressed more effectively and rendered into a stretched out, almost needle-like shape, coupled with increased kinetic energy upon firing, and this weapon's projectiles move at approximately 42 miles-per-second, though they experience almost no atmospheric resistance, and thus do not produce sonic-booms (or pretty much any sound) at firing or during travel. Effective maximum range of 21 miles before dissipation. (This form goes almost entirely unused, literally the LEAST used of all his weapons)
*Charge-mode: The fourth (and final known) combination form. Through continuous usage of the other forms, the handguns build up a kind of "Bonus-excess", that decimal-beyond a point that gets rounded off, all of that goes into a special collector, which stores and compresses it for later use. The more the pistols are used, the more powerful this attack is when unleashed, no known maximum power has been found, and it is unknown how this seemingly limitless growth and storage potential is achieved, only Espera himself is aware of the method used to make this happen.
Unaffiliated Secondary Weaponry:
*Xevotrath: A Larval stage "Morpher" metroid who has assumed the form of a large rifle, looks like someone turned a metroid into a futuristic organic rifle. Features fully automatic firing (average 12 shots-per-second), and each shot drains bio-energy from any organic structure hit at a rate of (1/2s drain time per shot), often dusting small sections of large organic structures. If charged with phazon, Xevotrath releases it in four continuous arcs of phazon plasma which shoot out and seek out the nearest viable target. Does 3-4x the damage of a phazon metroid's "shock" attack.
*Primus Prima Arma: In an effort to keep ahead of the rapidly advancing weapons technology of the Federation, Espera took his original "Blast Rifle", a weapon which would fire out low-power explosives which had a blast radius of 10 feet and dealt two standard missiles worth of damage, and enhanced both power, range, and fire rate massively. The weapon he ended up building off the Blast Rifle base was so satisfactory that he began mass producing a variant that was had a slightly enhanced firerate and halved firepower and explosive radius to use as his army's infantryman's primary weapon (Dubbed "Telum Primus", "First Weapon" in Latin), and named the new weapon after the mass produced variant (First first Weapon, "Primus Prima Arma"). Having a fire-rate roughly equivalent to the power-beam, and possessed of a fully-automatic firing mechanism, this high-powered rifle spews small but powerful explosives twice as strong as a super-missile, with an explosive radius of 20 meters. Very plausibly his most useful weapon, though it is rarely used regardless, due to his preference for non-explosives and melee combat.
*Devastation Launcher: a rifle with a much larger than normal barrel, has three "extensions" on the very end of the barrel, these produce targeting lasers. This rifle-like gun is essentially Espera's most powerful per-shot weapon, when presented to him before his mission aboard the Zeltzegua Orbital-Station (the primary location of "Darkened World") it had been reduced from its original power due to the need to refrain from causing undue destruction or potentially injuring himself or his allies in the midst of combat, but was kept at all due to the probability of requiring a high power weapon in such a dangerous situation. Now, after being restored to its original power and purpose, this gun fires large projectiles that are roughly missile shaped and tipped in such a way as to provide them with high penetrative power, have a delay timer which makes them take roughly 10 seconds to detonate after impact to give them time to basically burrow in to whatever target they're being fired at, and have enough explosive force to split a Federation or Space Pirate "Dreadnought" class warship in two. This weapon's true purpose is as a personal-use anti-warship cannon. He only uses it against infantry in the most dire of circumstances.
*Nova Star Blaster: Remodeled from its original form, the Hand-cannons, the Nova Star Blaster represents the ""Laser Mode"" of the cannons, loosing a powerful continuous stream of blue-white plasma for as long as the trigger is held in, devastating in use against vehicles or personell, though it won't do much to far away targets or incredibly large/powerful targets like warships or dreadnaughts. This weapon is incredibly unwieldy, and despite numerous supports being added in, in order to use this unwieldy yet incredibly powerful weapon, Espera needs to insert four full tentacles into provided slots (putting all that weight and power on a single split tentacle would rip it out of his back, leaving him needing to grow a new one) to provide enough support to use the weapon one handed. With the addition of his other hand, he can provide enough support by altering his stance properly. This does however remove the ability to supercharge the weapon/s with phazon.
*God Eater: The "Other Half" of the original weapon, the "Hand-Cannons". Fires out a Laser-like projectile that chemically reprograms whatever it hits, transforming it into an incredibly powerful acid that self neutralizes once whatever originally hit structure or entity is completely consumed by the acid. Like the previous variant, the Hand-Cannons Acid-Mode, this gun comes equipped with a manual kill-switch, in case the beam hits something too large or important, and it needs to be stopped before whatever was hit is gone.
*Last Resort: A large and powerful two handed weapon that also requires the support of all eight of Espera's tentacles, this bio-mechanical cannon is redesigned and separately built from the original "Hand-Cannon Fusion" weapon. After a charge up of close to a minute, the Last Resort looses a Negative reality wave that appears to the eyes of most creatures as a long beam of blue-white light that just seems to erase whatever it hits...which is exactly what it does. By using controlled generation and direction of "Negative Matter", which literally unmakes normal matter, this cannon erases from existence whatever it hits, while creating an equal amount of matter somewhere else in the universe. Hence why it is both named, and truly, the Last Resort. Because you never know what might be born from its use.
*Stupid Beam Gun: Turns any enemy hit by a shot from this weapon into a gibbering idiot for two posts. No real need to rewrite this one, everything it needs is right here.
*Black Hole Rifle: One of the only two weapons that has not been redesigned, along with the Stupid Beam Gun, the only thing done is lessen the charge time required to 6 seconds, and the recharge time is cut down by half. This weapon fires out projectiles that induce intense gravity-wells, drawing everything towards them, where whatever gets within a foot of the center (the event horizon of the projectile) finds themselves being severely burned by intense plasma powered by artificially generated "Light of Aether", before being violently blasted out (or spaghettified and absorbed by the pseudo-black hole, if they don't have the fortitude to resist).

other: due to an experiment Espera conducted with the intent to create a perfect zombie virus BOW, Espera is infected with a mutant form of the mutagenic Z-Virus he created (Z obviously standing for zombie) which he refers to a "Ragnarok". He gives the virus in his system a name because it is semi-sentient, and he wanted to be able to call it something cool. The virus in it's base form was created from aspects of the ing merged with X-Parasite DNA, phazon, and a mock up of the zombie inducing virus that plagues the planet Tawfret created from the leftovers in a dead subject and data from the-terrorist-group-that-unleashed-it's computers (that looks terrible, I know, but this way there won't be any confusion about the ownership I am referring to), the Ragnarok has the ability to exit his body to "infect" objects he wishes it to, causing them to become more deadly- as well as scary looking, all spikes and teeth and *shiver* ughh, creepy/scary to the max- though it is more or less limited to things that don't rely on super-heated stuff or directed energy. due to the process, when Ragnarok "infects" something, it also becomes more durable, which is why it is as good for armor as it is for weapons. Espera is able to control the viral substance, which takes the form of a black and blood-red highly viscous liquid (goo), fairly well completely, but despite it's semi-sentience, it cannot turn the tables on him; nor would it, as they have a symbiotic relationship. (the experiment occurred sometime between death from below and take back the labs[!])
abilities: after darkened world, Espera's body is producing phazon in high amounts, this gives him the ability to manifest it and control it to an extent, such as making simple weaponry like swords and such from it, as well as energy shots out of it. (up to date, just review the date of this edit (12/13/2014) and the RP's that have passed since darkened world for the current up to date for him) due to extreme phazon mutation, as well as a viral infection from a mutagenic virus he developed, Espera has gained the ability to produce and control phazon plasma by manifesting phazon and exposing it to extreme levels of heat from phazon radiation being turned into raw kinetic energy to bombard the phazon being manifested with, though he can't make very much at once due to it's high temperature being dangerous to his body without proper protection. ein/zwei hammer, an ability that allows him to focus plasma missiles(the energy missiles used in prime 1&2) into a single spot within his grasp and create a phazon "casing" for the missile mass (as well as the individual missiles) that increases their explosive power. the einhammer/zweihammer breaks into phazon coated missile buckshot after traveling a certain distance, or on contact after a few meters, allowing the missiles to spread for maximum damage (this ability was approved for the TFRP version, so Rildok never had any problems with it, I just want to point that out). Espera also, like phazon metroids, is capable of launching electrical arcs created from phazon energy from his body to attack, though the ability is slightly more developed due to the length of time he has been corrupted and the extent of the corruption, this merely provides him with more control.
character history: was born on earth, 8 years into life he met Samus Aran, who after wheedling and begging agreed to take him on as her apprentice, teaching him once a month when situations allowed for it. Eventually he started bio experiments when not being taught by Samus, and was able to replicate/re-create the metroid species, even going so far as to make metroids born at certain points in their life cycle. When he was eleven, he got attacked by a mysterious invisible creature, and, being unable to protect himself, got somewhat badly hurt. After this incident he infused himself with metroid DNA (a lot of it), and became much more able to defend himself, going so far as being able to levitate almost as well as any real metroid could. by the time he was eleven and a half, he had nearly perfected his long range fighting (with his twin laser pistols). But disaster struck before his twelfth birthday earth was attacked by a race of beings alien in nature. These things would usually not attack groups that had more then 20 members, but sometimes they were bolder. it took nearly eleven years, and many losses to fight them off (in fact during the far end of the war is when he received his suit) his parents died during the war, and after it was over Samus agreed to take him with her, to the place he is now. He became a bounty hunter, working alongside his teacher, learning, fighting, he still is in fact.

Suit Type: Nanotech suit created by quintillions of interlocking nanobots
Suit Name: unnamed
weaponry: has access to all of Espera's weapons, as well as an unsheathed blade that takes aspects from both the claymore (of Scottish descent) and zweihänder (of German descent) stored on his back (the sword is 84 inches in length and has a six inch blade that flares out in a "diamond" shape at the tip, extending out by 2-3 inches before closing into the point), and a sheathed odachi carried on the back of his left hip, they both use the same technology on the blade, which has a stream of ultra-heated plasma running along the blade portion with micro spikes/teeth like those on a chainsaw, the odachi's sheath has a trigger system that increases the power for any slash coming out of the sheath, allowing him to create a blade shaped pocket of decompressed air moving from the slashing point for long range attacks. the suit also has 2-3 foot partially retractable blades running along the outer bone of each forearm and lower leg, the arm-blades curve back towards the arm, with the blade facing away, while the leg blades almost don't curve, so as to avoid him stabbing himself, and they only extend about a foot unlike the arm blades. the arm and leg blades have the same plasma blade system as the swords to increase cutting power, but while it is active on the swords as long as they are being wielded, on the arm and leg blades, the plasma activates only during attack. while the suit does not cover most of the hands, it does extend somewhat onto the palms with devices that increase the strength of his phazon plasma production ability while also providing him with more control over the produced plasma and protection from it.
shielding: heavy (reduces oncoming damage 60%), hazard, varia, gravity, plasma (provides greater protection against heat and melee based attacks), viral (prevents viral leaking from the body, protecting those around him from infection)
description: this suit is made from the same nanobots as his second suit, however due to him undergoing extreme mutation for a period due to a mutagenic viral infection, and his suit being linked directly to his DNA, this suit is extremely different in form from his previous ones, as well as function; for example: this version of the suit, while having access to the data on it, does not have the ability to use his signature full-salvo alt-form due to the differing structure from it's old form and his original suit, but increases his speed and agility threefold as compensation. unlike his previous suits, this one is much less mechanical in form, being bio-mechanical in nature from the nanobots assuming a formation that created artificial life; along with this his hands, upper arms, upper legs, and head are no longer covered by the armor itself, only the shielding, though the upper arms and legs due have bio-mechanical "vines" connecting the forearm armor and greaves to the body portion, which is lighter in design and as stated, more organic looking, taking on a planty/metroidy look, though they are a silvery color with some black and red highlights. occasionally the suit will produce a face-mask to cover Espera's mouth and nose, as well as the lower portion of the cheeks, this has a more mechanical look to it, as if apart from the rest of the suit. another difference between this suit and his previous ones is that it does not focus on providing heavy body armor for protection even after the shields are drained, instead focusing on having strong shields and increasing his speed, agility, and the strength of his strikes (melee combat power) along with his natural abilities, which in the end results in him actually being a more dangerous foe.

Ultimate weapon of smashitude- Grand Ein-Zwei Hammer: a large sledgehammer made from phazon compressed to ultra-high densities (meaning it's ultra heavy too), the hammer portion is similar to the marvel representation of Mjolnir (that blocky rectangular design with the...sloped/sloping thing/s it has goin' on) but much larger (to match the size of the handle, it's five or so feet in length, significantly longer than Mjolnir's handle, so the crushy part is proportionally bigger to match), a small section about large enough for two hands to grip near the bottom is sectioned off by rounded bands of the material (phazon) with more material providing a wrapped up feel proper for a handle. At the bottom of the handle is a small sphere with the bottom cut off (to go onto the end, it's like a round sword or dagger pommel) with a conical spike sticking straight out from it (an identical spike is located atop the handle's position on the hammer's head, directly adjacent (I think that word works) the previously mentioned spike). Espera/Dead-Zone often wields the hammer one handed, with just a short lived presence of his left hand to stabilize the swing. While the color can be changed at will, he often leaves it its phazon blue rather than having it assume a more metallic coloration. He can alter the hammer's density at will, making it heavier and therefore hit harder (however, due to his ability to control phazon, he can prevent the added weight from causing any affect to him, and swing it with normal speed and force). When the density is high enough, he can have the hammer release waves (or shockwaves if it hits something, or just waves) of phazon and phazon energy(phazen).

Primary Ship: The E.S.S Elysium
Ship type: Immense Transport and Scientific Experimentation vessel
Weapon systems:none, shield focuses energy attacks and fires them forward however.
Attachments: immense ship carrier attached to the back. 72 docks for ships the size of the Olympus, 42 for ships twice the size of Samus', and 39 for ships around the size of Samus'.
Registered to the Name of: Espera Nota

Secondary Ship: the E.S.S Niffleheim
Ship type: Immense Fully Automated Warship
Defense-type weapon systems: hundreds of thousands of extremely high power plasma defense auto-turrets
The "Ultimate Weapon": the "Vault Krieger", an immense collapsible anti-matter cannon stored in the front hull of the ship, built with a fashion style reminiscent of the organic look favored by space pirates (as it was built to be mounted on space-pirate dreadnoughts) and designed to destroy planets. it fires an immense laser that reduces matter that contacts it into energy and repels matter that does not come into direct contact so as to prevent the anti-matter shot from exploding prematurely, which tunnels into the planet in question down to the core, it then fires a large ultra-high density shell of anti-matter into the target planet's core, creating an explosion somewhat reminiscent of a super nova combined with a nuclear fission explosion that vaporizes the planet.
Attachments: none
Registered to the name of: Unregistered Vessel, Illegal entity used for highly "Unethical" deep-space experiments

Last edited by Sivus Grahn on Sat Jul 29, 2017 2:12 pm; edited 12 times in total (Reason for editing : had to fix the details up)
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Sivus Grahn
Sivus Grahn

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Age : 26
Location : the E.S.S Niflheim, conducting experiments on...Volunteers

Espera (V2) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera (V2)   Espera (V2) Icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2015 11:01 pm

I felt that because this version of Espera and the original were too different from one another, it would be best to make a separate bio for this one, because this way people can actually see the original one.
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Sivus Grahn
Sivus Grahn

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Location : the E.S.S Niflheim, conducting experiments on...Volunteers

Espera (V2) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera (V2)   Espera (V2) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 27, 2017 6:02 am

I've updated the weapons he has to be up to his current level of tech and power, to keep them balanced to him and viable, so as to prevent them being overshadowed by his newer powers.
I also did it to get the writing up to current par.

For some reason, the weapons just didn't want to add a space before them for the most part, despite me adding one in. It doesn't make sense logically, but that's the way it is and I've got no idea how to fix it.
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