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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeSun Jan 16, 2022 1:12 pm by Sivus Grahn

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 Espera Nota, Hero of The War

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Sivus Grahn
Sivus Grahn

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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 4:18 am

player ID: christen MX
character name: Espera Nota
race: 85% metroid 15% human.
age: As of Arrival in Metroid time, 23 years, 3 months old. As of, and post, Darkened World (first big mission) 23 1/2 years of age.
height:6 feet 6 inches
weight: 261.8 pounds without armor, 351.8 with (modern armor, original weighs in at 370 pounds on its own, without including weapons and any external sub-systems).
known languages: galactic standard, metroid
appearance: His musculature gives the impression of someone with a military background, extremely well trained, with toning that puts him on par with professional athletes. His hair is a "Sun-kissed brown" with red highlights provided by his partial Irish ancestry. While his skin is mostly fair, he does have a fairly light tanning along his entire body, with olive and metroid green undertones caused by his Italian ancestry and his metroid DNA respectively. His eyes are an intense green, with red flecks, both caused by his metroid side (originally, they were brown). His teeth are almost perfectly white, but have certain oddities, such as his canines (and the teeth next to them on the side opposite the front four) being elongated, seeming like fangs (caused by his metroid side, they take the place of his...thingies, along with the ones coming from his fingers, specifically the balls of the fingers, those small raised bumps on the third segments). Most of his body has scars running across it from his time in the war, many scars intersecting and crossing on another from the claws raking across his flesh close to one another. Many of his scars run parallel to their kin (obviously because claws come in groups). He wears a pitch-black Zero-suit, taking primary design inspiration from Samus Aran's, but with raised rectangular plates that give it a more armored feel, and opposite the mark that would be on Samus' (which he also has, being her apprentice), is a bright red and yellow flame insignia, with an identical one inside the symbol on the back, with the only difference being its increased size from the one on his chest.
Faction/Organization: bounty hunter-mercenary (apprenticed to Samus Aran)
alignment: chaotic good
personality: Espera suffers from dissociative identity disorder (also known as dissociative personality disorder, and split personality disorder), caused by the intense psychological stress he was placed under during the events of the war (often sited as being the worst war in human history prior to taking to the stars). His primary personality is very child-like in nature, seemingly innocent despite what he can and does do, easily excited and hurt, this personality also suffers from what may as well amount to one half of bi-polar disorder: Depression. When placed under too much stress (or when he gets bored enough) the second personality, Espera [!] (Normally would be the round edged triangle with the exclamation mark inside hazard sign) surfaces, taking control of the body and placing normal Espera into a dormant state of stasis until Espera[!] sinks back down into the sub-conscious part of the mindscape. Espera[!] is psychotic, murderous, sadistic to the nth-degree, taking pleasure in bringing his victims to a horribly painful demise, especially with his metroidic life draining abilities. He displays signs of beyond severe psychological fracturing and instability, with signs that, despite his control, he could break apart at any moment from the stress of just being the way he is. Though he will deny it completely, and can provide evidence to support his claims to incredibly greater extents than the evidence that he could break, showing that he is still an unparalleled genius, despite his mental state.
Strengths: Super-human physique (possesses a body structure that places his physical abilities far beyond those of a normal human), life draining, long range combat (which he specializes in), hand to hand and melee combat (which he is definitely no slouch in), healing factor (heals many times faster than humans, though isn't on the same level as Talon, or characters like Wolverine or Deadpool, or DC's Death-stroke), insanely intelligent (he is a certified genius with nearly unparalleled technological know-how, knowledge, skill, so-on; specializing in suit, nano-technology, bio-engineering, and genetic manipulation)
weaknesses: extreme cold, his inability to control himself around X parasites, and his haunting past.
likes: Samus Aran, X parasites (as a food source), metroids, the luminoth, the chozo, (those last two because they helped Samus at certain points), and his home planet (earth).
dislikes: the cold, rude people, and people who attack him, Samus, or any of his other friends.
equipment: his zero suit variant, his main suit, his laser pistols which can combine into a rifle or large-ish cannon for powerful but slow to recharge shots, an automatic-fire rifle formed from one of the metroids he made (they can transform if they have not reached their alpha state, and this one decided to stay a rifle) which fires shots that drain bio energy at half the rate a metroid does from whatever is hit, and a grappling mechanism usable in and out of suit. (post "Darkened world" RP):
slipstream pistols: follows the same basic principle as the slipstream weapon/s used by Ryo Kilepura, but in handgun form.
blast rifle: fires highly explosive shots damaging things for damage equal to two missiles in a ten meter radius.
high missile launcher: a rifle with a much larger than normal barrel, has three "extensions" on the very end of the barrel, these produce targeting lasers. the rifle takes time to charge but once charged it fires a large-ish missile shaped energy shot that violently explodes on contact. deals damage equal to two super missiles.
hand cannon: a slightly boxy, cannon that has three things in the center that produce the shots, has a rifle like back. has two modes. mode 1: laser mode, fires a powerful shot (three charged power beam shots) that lasts for 30 seconds, able to be moved once firing starts. mode two: acid mode, simple. this mode turns things hit by the shot into a somewhat powerful acid that deactivates once the thing that was hit by the shot is completely consumed. if this happens to be something connected to a lot of stuff, it can be manually deactivated from a control-y thing on the gun. he is given two of these and the slipstream pistols.
the hand cannons can also fuse, like the main pistols of this character, they form a large cannon, reminiscent of a tank cannon if it could be held by a human. (it's much lighter) fires a powerful laser shot highly reminiscent of the "Zero laser", after firing though it cannot be used again for ten posts by the user.
stupid beam gun:turns any enemy hit by a shot from this weapon into a gibbering idiot for two posts.
finally, he was also given the "black hole rifle" it, despite the name, does not create an actual black hole, but is just a rifle that fires a shot that is like the beam combo usable by the others that combines the dark and sunbursts, but it uses no ammo and therefore must charge for one post before use and cool down for four posts of the users posts.
character history: Born on earth, it should be well known by now that eight years in, this boy became apprenticed to Samus Aran (after much pestering, begging, and pleading) and received training on-par with Chozo training, despite his being unsuited for the level of training which he was going through. It should also be known by this point that he uncovered the remnants of an ancient creature which would one day be cloned and modified by the chozo and named "Metroid", and managed to make clones of the strange pre-historic Terran creature. And that he was attacked at a young age by a race of beings that seemed foreign to the point of almost seeming demonic, and he and the rest of the human race had to fight them off in a war that has often since been considered the worst war in human history before humanity raced on towards the stars and other planets. As well as the fact that he somehow managed to replace eighty-five percent of his own genetic structure with that of the Terran bio-energy sucker and fought in the war, leading to the eventual victory through his discovery that they were the natural prey of the Terran metroids (well, maybe not that part). Now to the parts people wouldn't know as well. For one: Espera Nota is not his real name, it is a military code, made up of Greek lettering (Epsilon-Sigma-Pi-Epsilon-Rho Alpha Nu-Omicron-Tau-Alpha being the actual code), and was only adopted as an actual name by the boy during his trip to the future through a worm-hole located just outside of Earth's atmosphere and connecting that time to Metroid time (in the Post-fusion years). Lesser known fact number two: Espera was part of a military unit made up of child soldiers, trained from extreme youth (some even having been taken during infancy) to combat the monstrous threat from inside the planet (commonly referred to as the "Dog-Beasts" or "Devil-Dogs"), and the bonds between the members of the unit (and all the other child-soldier units across the world) were stronger than the bonds between even the closest of family, and when his entire unit died, Espera nearly lost his mind, gaining ASPD, anti-social personality disorder (which eventually lead to him splitting his mind in two and creating his two halves). Lesser known fact numero tres (number three for those who don't know any Spanish): After losing his family and extended family, Espera created the Elysium from parts he was able to find and make on Earth, and went all over the planet collecting the people who had roleplayed with him when he was younger on a site dedicated to his favorite game, and like him, they had become soldiers and lost everything; when they left Earth, they all adopted either the names they used as handles, or ones similar to those (The fifteen who were either closest to him or had the most experience became his generals and commanders in his years as Dead-Zone).

suit name: as of yet, unnamed.
suit type: Highly adaptable suit tuned to his genetic structure, primarily composed of nanotechnology, with certain portions being made of phazon (primarily as a power-source)
Built In Weapons:
-Quad cannons: two low power, high speed, super sonic plasma cannons are located on each shoulder (high firing rate, double the rate of power-beam shots, power equal to basic power-beam shots, with a projectile speed above the speed of sound in air (the standard 300 some-odd meters-per-second amount on earth))
-Energy siphon: on the palms of each hand, at the base of the fingers and thumbs is a curved round pointed piece of metal resembling a metroid mandible, there are also similar ones made from a substance identical to metroid mandibles located close to the center of the final segment of each finger and thumb which are covered by suit plating when in full suit. Siphon system enhances energy consumption rate by 75%.
-Missile launchers: in each shoulder-pad there are 10 missile launcher which fire projectiles made from solid state plasma, a highly explosive substance, covered in a thin metal casing created upon launch with thrusters that take the missiles to the chosen target. Missiles are endless in number, and regenerate at a rate of one missile per launcher per second.
-Phazon projectile: Post Darkened-World only, Espera launches a projectile made of phazon from his hands, these are week, but have a high firing rate (both equal to a basic power-beam)
Special upgrade units:
-Crystal Charge: an experimental upgrade to the standard charge-beam (with a base model built in) that allows for the user to charge their shot to the point of placing their plasma projectiles (or other energy based ones) to the solid state
-Auto-Booster: a modified version of the speed booster which allows for manual activation, removing the kinetic collection required by previous chozo-made versions (meaning no running, can be used from a standing or floating start), can be used mid-air and during flight.
-Chargeable screw-attack: an upgraded version of the basic screw-attack made by the chozo (different from the variant made by the luminoth), can be charged if a weapon charging unit is present
-Combination boot/thruster: a thruster, boot, and energy-field-generator upgrade which removes certain restrictions preventing simultaneous use of the screw-attack and speed-booster (especially the modified Auto-Booster variant), allowing for the two to be used in tandem to even greater effect (Which in his hands, means flying ball of energy sheathed death)
-Unaffiliated oddity, tentacles: has eight prehensile liquid phazon tentacles which he can split, stretch, morph, manipulate, and so on. Not particularly durable against plasma/energy attacks, but basic combat attacks like matter projectiles or material melee weapons, or hand-to-hand attacks will do next to -if not- nothing
shielding: Reverse-engineered Pirate Hazard shields, reverse-engineered chozo barrier shielding (heat shields and low-acid shields included), reverse engineered Chozo Gravity shielding (lava/magma shielding present), Basic Heavy shields (Protects 250% better than basic Chozo power suit energy shields (damage reduction), 10 energy tank units)

alt-form: Full salvo
description: his suit transforms into a mass of launchers for explosive weaponry, locking him in place until all weapons have been launched at least once, then he regains control and can fire at will, and return to regular form at will.
abilities/weapons: rapidly fires explosive weaponry until all weapons have been fired at least once, spreading destruction over a large area.

Secondary alt-form: "cannon ball"
Description: a ball covered in launchers for regular energy missiles, has 8 tentacles that allow for wall climbing and performing simple to complex tasks.
-Plasma Bomb: an upgraded version of the chozo morph-ball bomb (prime variant), has double the explosive damage power, with a double sized blast radius as well.

ship: the M.S.M.A.C.C.S Elysium
ship type: Olympus like ship with star fleet carrier attachment
weapon systems:none, shield focuses energy attacks and fires them forward however.
attachments: immense ship carrier attached to the back. 72 docks for ships the size of the Olympus, 42 for ships twice the size of Samus', and 39 for ships around the size of Samus'.
registered to the name of: Espera Nota

M.S.M.A.C.C.S stands for Metroid run Ship and Metroid Armada Carrier Class Ship

Last edited by christen MX on Sun May 31, 2015 8:38 am; edited 26 times in total (Reason for editing : Editing it for quality, I think it's better now)
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Sivus Grahn
Sivus Grahn

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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeThu Jun 14, 2012 11:39 pm

Rildok? Is he good?
Also how do you add a picture to a character registration? Especially at one specific point?
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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2012 12:35 pm

I am not a mod but this looks prety good, now I won't be the only person here who has a metroid character in consideration. The one thing i can think of is the same thing I was told, that in order to be humanoid he would have to be more human, but I got around it by being 50% humanoid.
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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeSat Jun 16, 2012 6:08 am

To add a pic to a specific location you need to do (img)url to image(/img), but replacing the () with [].

Also, LinkAran is right, to be humanoid in shape the character has to have at least 50% blood of a humanoid race, even then it's not perfect.
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Sivus Grahn
Sivus Grahn

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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeSat Jun 16, 2012 6:25 am

modified to 45 (m) 55 (h).
thank you about the image thing but I meant an image file directly from my computers memory.
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Pink Cat
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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeSat Jun 16, 2012 11:53 am

Click "Host an image", then upload your image and add the image tag thingies to the URL, I think. I usually just use photobucket to host images.
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Sivus Grahn
Sivus Grahn

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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeSat Jun 16, 2012 1:20 pm

tried the "host an image" thing it didn't work. though I do admit I may have just done it wrong.
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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 12:10 am

Photobucket is a free image hosting site. You can make an account there and host your own images. I actually have 2 of them for different purposes.
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Sivus Grahn
Sivus Grahn

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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 12:11 am

not allowed. I have to stick by the rules my mother laid down.
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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 12:59 am

Really, what rule may I ask is stopping you from doing that?
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Sivus Grahn
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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 1:04 am

my mother doesn't want me going to many sites. only the ones that are "approved" (best word I can get, sorry) in all honesty I find myself lucky to be allowed to go to this site. It makes me happy too (Or it would if there were more than like 1/2 a post a day<---joke). Is he good now though?
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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 1:14 am

Ok, I guess it's all good now. Approved.
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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 3:30 am

just so you know he's supposed to be a bounty hunter, not allied with the federation specifically.
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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 3:42 am

Oh, oops. I accidentally put him there... eheheh...
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Sivus Grahn
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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 3:43 am

s'okay, I understood and understand. would you mind fixing it though?
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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 3:45 am

Already moved it.
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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeThu Jun 28, 2012 4:22 am

I updated the information.
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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeFri Jun 29, 2012 5:44 am

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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeFri Jun 29, 2012 5:45 am

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Sivus Grahn
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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeSat Dec 13, 2014 10:31 pm

yeah, it's about time this poor fool got another update, it's not quite complete, but he's gone through a lot of shit so, it should be understandable. anyway, some minor updates, fixing stupid stuff, and added his second huge ship. description not complete on it or the very noticeable weapon system. will add later.
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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeTue Dec 16, 2014 9:28 pm

I'll test if I can update existing threads in the regestration soon.
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Sivus Grahn

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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeWed Dec 17, 2014 5:09 am

oh, I just wanted to make the update known.
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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeWed Dec 17, 2014 6:32 am

It's not done yet, then?
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Sivus Grahn
Sivus Grahn

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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeWed Dec 17, 2014 8:12 am

well, that isn't what I meant at all, but in fact, no. it isn't. I intend to describe the Niflheim eventually, AND add in the E.S.S Muspelheim, it's...fraternal twin ship. there will also probably be more description to Espera, and I may finally give him one or two of his game enders. Oh, and I'll be describing the vault krieger better too hopefully.
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Sivus Grahn

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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2015 3:41 am

I edited in a new weapon (which crosses over to Dead-Zone).
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Espera Nota, Hero of The War Empty
PostSubject: Re: Espera Nota, Hero of The War   Espera Nota, Hero of The War Icon_minitime

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